CME data will typically update as we receive it each day around 10:30pm ET.
Coin values shown may differ from raw contract values. For example, one CME Bitcoin futures contract is equal to five Bitcoin.
Open Interest
Futures: The summed open interest in coin or dollar terms across all CME Bitcoin futures contracts
Options: The summed open interest in coin or dollar terms across all CME Bitcoin options contracts
Futures: The summed volume in coin or dollar terms across all CME Bitcoin futures contracts
Options: The summed volume in coin or dollar terms across all CME Bitcoin options contracts
The annualized basis of the next-month CME futures contract for the selected coin.
Calculated from daily settlement prices against Coinbase spot prices.
The premium or discount between the market price and NAV of the Grayscale trust for the selected coin.
Implied price is also shown, calculated as (trust premium * Coinbase spot price).
Typically updates next-morning ET.
Last updated